F+S News

Paper at EuSEC 2006

Paper "Complete Requirements Through Analysis with Use Cases and State Charts" at the proceedings of EuSEC 2006 published

Requirement Engineering with Word

In another project, we also gave support regarding requirement engineering, but here, a WORD-based project documentation was required. Here as well, the documents to be generated were system requirement specification, system design and SW-requirement specification.
However, the special challenge was to guarantee the traceability of the requirements covering all project documents incl. code- and test documents without having to make up and maintain additional charts.

Read more: Requirement Engineering with Word

Experience in Process Improvement

Due to manufacturer's recommendations, verbal propaganda, preliminary projects and other contacts, we are today working for a whole number of suppliers in the field of process improvement. We usually start with a self- assessment, during which the company's strong points as well as improvement potential is found out. Together, we will then work out and implement an improvement program. This procedure resulted in the following experiences:

Read more: Experience in Process Improvement

F+S has four provisional- and one competent ISO / IEC 15504 (SPICE) assessor

For us, the ISO 15 504 standard (also called SPICE ) is of major importance for the evaluation of the actual situation and improvement measures of SW- projects. In the meantime, 5 of our employees have successfully completed a SPICE assessor training.
An important part of our work is done on the supplier's side: we help the suppliers to fulfill the SPICE-standards

Read more: F+S has four provisional- and one competent ISO / IEC 15504 (SPICE) assessor