F+S News

SPICE Competent Assessor

We continuously provide improvement opportunities to all of our employees in order to maintain and raise our high level of education. As a result we now have

  • One Automotive SPICE Principal Assessor
  • One Automotive SPICE Competent Assessor
  • Four Automotive SPICE Provisional Assessors

Current version of Automotive SPICE

We incorporated into a HTML-version (easier to apply and work with) the current version of Automotive SPICE (version 2.4. of the Process Assessment Model, version 4.4. of the Process Reference Model). Feel free to browse and/or download here.

Dr. Joachim Fleckner member of intacs working group "Exams"

For almost one year principal SPICE assessor Dr. Joachim Fleckner has been a contributing member of the intacs™ working group "Exams" with the objective to create a catalog of questions (and answers) for the final exams taken by newly trained assessors. He supports the group with his excellent knowledge of SPICE and many years of experience in applying SPICE to real-world projects

Changes in the executive structure of F+S GmbH on Apr/1/2008

Over the course of eight years co-founder Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Rainer Simon contributed significantly to the success of our company and will continue to do so as an employee of F+S GmbH. We thank him for his important contributions and his willingness to continue to support us as an employee of F+S.

Effective Apr/1/2008 long time employee Dipl.-Ing. Josef Horstkötter starts serving as a managing director to carry on the work of Thomas Rainer Simon. As Josef Horstkötter will ensure continuity we wish him all the best and success with his new duties.

Dr. Joachim Fleckner stays managing director.