Process capability Level 5: Innovating process

The previously described Predictable process is now continually improved to respond to change aligned with organizational goals.

The following process attributes, together with the previously defined process attributes, demonstrate the achievement of this level:

PA 5.1 Process innovation process attribute

The process innovation process attribute is a measure of the extent to which changes to the process are identified from investigations of innovative approaches to the definition and deployment of the process. As a result of full achievement of this process attribute:

  1. Process innovation objectives are defined that support the relevant business goals;

  2. Appropriate data are analysed to identify opportunities for innovation;

  3. Innovation opportunities derived from new technologies and process concepts are identified;

  4. An implementation strategy is established to achieve the process innovation objectives.

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PA 5.2 Process innovation implementation process attribute

The process innovation process implementation attribute is a measure of the extent to which changes to the definition, management and performance of the process achieves the relevant process innovation objectives. As a result of full achievement of this process attribute:

  1. Impact of all proposed changes is assessed against the objectives of the defined process and standard process;

  2. Implementation of all agreed changes is managed to ensure that any disruption to the process performance is understood and acted upon;

  3. Effectiveness of process change on the basis of actual performance is evaluated against the defined product requirements and process objectives.

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