Generic Practices

GP 5.1.1 Define the process innovation objectives for the process that support the relevant business goals.

[Achievement a]

New business visions and goals are analyzed to give guidance for new process objectives and potential areas of process innovation.

GP 5.1.2 Analyze data of the process to identify opportunities for innovation.

[Achievement b]

Common causes of variation in process performance are identified and analyzed to get a quantitative understanding of their impact.

Identify opportunities for innovation based on the quantitative understanding of the analyzed data.

GP 5.1.3 Analyze new technologies and process concepts to identify opportunities for innovation.

[Achievement c]

Industry best practices, new technologies and process concepts are identified and evaluated.

Feedback on opportunities for innovation is actively sought.

Emergent risks are considered in evaluating improvement opportunities.

GP 5.1.4 Define and maintain an implementation strategy based on innovation vision and objectives.

[Achievement d]

Commitment to innovation is demonstrated by organizational management including the process owner(s) and other relevant stakeholders.

Define and maintain an implementation strategy to achieve identified opportunities for innovation and objectives.

Based on implementation strategy process changes are planned, prioritized based on their impact on defined innovations.

Measures that validate the results of process changes are defined to determine the expected effectiveness of the process changes and the expected impact on defined business objectives.