
Experience and fresh ideas go hand in hand

The development of automotive embedded software is a demanding field. On the one hand it involves complex challenges that need systematic solutions – and that is possible only with experience. On the other hand the necessary expertise is constantly in flux – and that requires a fresh approach. Experienced development engineers, consultants and recent graduates therefore work together constructively in our company.

Certified competence

The requirements for process quality and functional safety continue to rise. Our team is always up to date in this respect: As Certified Requirement Engineers, Certified Architects and Certified Testers our development engineers can identify software errors quickly and reliably. Our Automotive Functional Safety Professionals / Experts know what is necessary for the functional reliability of technical systems. And as Provisional, Competent and Principal SPICE Assessors our consultants can effectively “fine tune” development processes.

Well managed

Even the best team needs good management. Our general manager, Mr. Michael Salzer, therefore keeps F+S GmbH aligned with the market development. He creates the framework in which all of our employees can develop and do a good job. And he contributes their know-how to our customers’ projects. Our motto is: One company – one team. And that is the reason why we enjoy customer and employee loyalty!