Flowing communication

Tools pass on information. In order for this to work smoothly, the right interfaces are needed. We provide for optimal “information management”.

Interfaces are connecting points

For the exchange of information your tools need interfaces! And every development project has its own dynamics. Your existing tool scenario must therefore be adapted regularly to the new requirements, as follows:

  • Your development process needs new functionalities
  • You have to integrate new tools and therefore need new interfaces
  • Your customers (OEM or supplier) desire the automated exchange of certain data

In cases such as these we successfully support our customers. We use our know-how with respect to different tools and the respective interface capabilities.

Example project

Connection of proprietary error management systems

To ensure short response times in error correction cycles, the information on detected errors and how to correct them must be transferred automatically from the OEM to the supplier and back.

Our solution: F+S created a tool that automatically controls this interface:

  • Exports from the OEM’s error management system are interpreted, transformed into suitable tickets of the supplier’s system and entered in the database
  • Updates of these tickets in the supplier’s system are recognized, exported, converted to the OEM format and made available to the OEM for further processing
Example project

Interface between DOORS and Excel

A supplier with a large development team receives requirement documents from the OEM in DOORS format (LH modules) and exchanges corresponding modules containing questions and answers (OPS modules) with the OEM. To avoid time-consuming training and high license costs, the development engineers should continue working in Excel.

Our solution: For the internal processing F+S created a DOORS-Excel interface that exchanges not only pure text, but also includes formatting and graphics. The development engineers can work in their familiar environment:

  • LH modules and OPL modules are exported as integrated Excel worksheets
  • OPL updates in these sheets are re-imported to DOORS