Two SQILs at Fleckner + Simon
An essential part of the F+S philosophy is the focus on the highest quality. We share this view with Volkswagen AG, which has high quality demands and places them on its suppliers to the same extent. With the help of SQIL training, Volkswagen tries to convey these quality demands to its suppliers. With the help of SQIL training, Volkswagen tries to convey these quality demands to its suppliers.
Last month, Dr. Johannes Czekansky and Michael Salzer completed the training as Software Quality Improvement Leaders (SQIL) at Volkswagen and passed the qualification examination quite perfectly.
SQIL certified by Volkswagen support suppliers in understanding and meeting Volkswagen’s high requirements as well as in detecting possible weak points in the development process at an early stage and eliminating them preventively. Together with the supplier, the SQIL continuously report on progress and improvements to Volkswagen’s quality assurance department.
Due to our long-standing reputation at VW and our independence, the F+S SQIL reports enjoy a high level of trust and acceptance. To maintain independence, the SQIL certification scheme stipulates that the SQIL does not actively participate in the supplier’s improvements. However, our F+S consultants with SQIL training can additionally accompany our customers as coaches and thus support their projects actively and pragmatically with their SQIL perspective. Contact us!