Process capability Level 3: Established process

The previously described Managed process is now implemented using a defined process that is capable of achieving its process outcomes.

The following process attributes, together with the previously defined process attributes, demonstrate the achievement of this level:

PA 3.1 Process definition process attribute

The process definition process attribute is a measure of the extent to which a standard process is maintained to support the deployment of the defined process. As a result of full achievement of this process attribute:

  1. A standard process, including appropriate tailoring guidelines, is defined and maintained that describes the fundamental elements that must be incorporated into a defined process;

  2. The sequence and interaction of the standard process with other processes is determined.

  3. Required competencies and roles for performing the process are identified as part of the standard process;

  4. Required infrastructure and work environment for performing the process are identified as part of the standard process;

  5. Suitable methods and measures for monitoring the effectiveness and suitability of the process are determined.

Generic Practices

Generic Resources

PA 3.2 Process deployment process attribute

The process deployment process attribute is a measure of the extent to which the standard process is deployed as a defined process to achieve its process outcomes. As a result of full achievement of this process attribute:

  1. A defined process is deployed based upon an appropriately selected and/or tailored standard process;

  2. Required roles, responsibilities and authorities for performing the defined process are assigned and communicated;

  3. Personnel performing the defined process are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, and experience;

  4. Required resources and information necessary for performing the defined process are made available, allocated and used;

  5. Required infrastructure and work environment for performing the defined process are made available, managed and maintained;

  6. Appropriate data are collected and analysed as a basis for understanding the behaviour of the process, to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the process, and to evaluate where continual improvement of the process can be made.

Generic Practices

Generic Resources