Generic Practices
GP 3.1.1 Define and maintain the standard process that will support the deployment of the defined process.
[Achievement a]
A standard process is developed and maintained that includes the fundamental process elements.
The standard process identifies the deployment needs and deployment context.
Guidance and/or procedures are provided to support implementation of the process as needed.
Appropriate tailoring guideline(s) are available as needed.
GP 3.1.2 Determine the sequence and interaction between processes so that they work as an integrated system of processes.
[Achievement b]
The standard process's sequence and interaction with other processes are determined.
Deployment of the standard process as a defined process maintains integrity of processes.
GP 3.1.3 Identify the roles and competencies for performing the standard process.
[Achievement c]
Process performance roles are identified
Competencies for performing the process are identified.
Authorities necessary for executing responsibilities are identified.
GP 3.1.4 Identify the required infrastructure and work environment for performing the standard process.
[Achievement d]
Process infrastructure components are identified (facilities, tools, networks, methods, etc.).
Work environment requirements are identified.
GP 3.1.5 Determine suitable methods to monitor the effectiveness and suitability of the standard process.
[Achievement e]
Methods for monitoring the effectiveness and suitability of the process are determined.
Appropriate criteria and data needed to monitor the effectiveness and suitability of the process are defined.
The need to establish the characteristics of the process is considered.
The need to conduct internal audit and management review is established.
Process changes are implemented to maintain the standard process.