F+S News

Girls'Day again at F+S

Girl's DayAfter Girls'Day could not take place at F+S in the past two years due to the Corona Pandemic, we are making a new attempt this year to host this special day at the premises of F+S.

Jobs in information and electrical engineering tend to be male dominated in Germany, especially in the automotive sector. In order to get more girls interested in automotive engineering, we are opening our doors for Girls'Day on 28.04. for 3 girls who are curious about tasks and challenges in these fields of work.

All girls with an interest in computer science and technology are welcome to participate.

We will tell something about our projects, tasks and customers and show how easy it is to create and program circuits with few materials. The participants can address all their questions in discussions with our female colleagues and will see: Technology is not just for men!

Click here to register for Girls' Day at F+S.